Later tonight, the slasher/superhero mash-up Brightburn arrives on the big screen, which was directed by David Yarovesky and produced by James Gunn. The story, written by Brian Gunn and Mark Gunn, revolves around the Breyer family, who live on a farm in the quiet town of Brightburn, Kansas. Lori (Elizabeth Banks) and Kyle (David Denman) are doing their best to raise their adopted son Brandon (Jackson A. Dunn) properly, but once he hits his pre-teens, it’s painfully aware to his parents that their kid has some major issues that could potentially put everyone in danger if they cannot get Brandon and his abilities under control.
At the recent press day for Brightburn, Daily Dead spoke with Yarovesky, and he chatted about the difficulties of making familiar superhero tropes scary for today’s audiences, and the importance of nailing the look of the Brightburn character as well. Yarovesky also discussed working with his talented cast, and why he believes Dunn has a big future ahead of him in Hollywood.
In case you missed it, check HERE to catch up on our previous coverage of Brightburn, including our review and other video interviews with the cast and crew!