Hosted by the late Robert Stack, the original run of the Unsolved Mysteries docuseries dazzled and unsettled viewers with its stories of true-life head-scratchers ranging from human crimes to potential supernatural occurrences. Now Netflix is bringing Unsolved Mysteries into a new decade with six new episodes on July 1st, and you can get an idea of what to expect in the official trailer for the revival:
"The iconic series UNSOLVED MYSTERIES is back! Fusing signature elements from the original series with contemporary immersive, character-driven storytelling, the 12 new episodes are rooted in the experiences of ordinary people who have lived the unthinkable — from the trauma of a loved one’s unexplained disappearance or horrific death, to the shock of a bizarre paranormal encounter. Alongside detectives and journalists, family members offer clues, present theories, and identify suspects, hoping one viewer holds the key to solving the mystery. From the creators of the original docuseries, Cosgrove/Meurer Productions, and 21 Laps Entertainment, the producers of Stranger Things.
The first six episodes premiere on July 1."