Watch the Teaser Trailer for KAMYA: "Locked down during a Coronavirus Quarantine, a young woman has hours to close a deal on her job the same day an ancient demon arrives at her front doorstep."
"Kamya was filmed on set and remote, in Silver Spring, Maryland. A mixture of filming was necessary to limit the amount of people on set for filming. The script was crafted using the pandemic as a story point. The story all revolves around a series of meetings taking place over the course of one single day."
"With theaters operating at reduced capacity and film release dates that slide into the future. Kamya will be available winter 2021.
You can keep up to date on all the Kamya developments here —"
Watch the Short Film SLIMEBOX: "A reprobate idling through an industrial landscape encounters a dangerous mesmeric slime."
Cast and Crew: Raymond Cara - Director, Editor, Writer, Producer, Sound Designer, Sound FXArtemis Lupercalia - Writer, Producer, Actor "Slimebox", Sound FX, FX OverlaysJordan Quinn - Actor, "Unfortunate Shlep"Lexy Robidoux - Makeup, Special FXAndrew La Tona - Music, Sound FX Engineer, Sound FXSpecial Thanks to Dead Men Design and Brodi-Tyler Dawson
Watch the Trailer for DEAD AIR: "Los Angeles, CA - Freestyle Digital Media has announced the cable, satellite and Digital HD release of Dead Air, from filmmaking team Kevin Hicks and Vickie Hicks of Chinimble Lore. The chilling supernatural family drama will be available February 19th on a number of digital and cable platforms, including iTunes, Amazon Video, Vudu, Comcast, Spectrum, and Cox.
Dead Air is the story of what happens to William, a man suffering from the repressed memory of an old trauma. When William discovers a ham radio and stumbles into contact with a woman with a dark secret of her own, the deceptively innocent relationship slowly leads William to a horrible truth and changes him forever.
The film was directed and produced by Kevin Hicks (Paranormal Proof, Behind the Door), written and produced by Vickie Hicks (Doppel, The Forever Room), and stars Kevin Hicks, Vickie Hicks, Chris Xaver, Lucca Iocovetti, Madison Skodzinsky & Mackenzie Skodzinsky, and Bruce Levitt.
“In addition to interesting and complex characters, Dead Air’s story will surprise everyone, as one twist leads to another,” said filmmakers Vickie Hicks and Kevin Hicks. “It was exciting for us to explore what we could do with a haunted radio, and the consequences of talking to strangers.”
Synopsis: "Cleaning out the home of his newly deceased mother, William stumbles across some belongings of his father, who died when he was just a boy. Among his father’s things, he discovers an old ham radio and, fascinated, attempts to use it. Over the airwaves, he stumbles upon a strange woman, Eva, who suffers from paranoia and agoraphobia, and hides a dark secret of her own. Wary at first, she slowly begins to thaw, and they strike up a distant friendship – their respective radios the only thread that connects them.
But Eva isn’t the only thing that comes to him through the radio. Something desperate has stirred, attempting to reach William, to take hold of him and pull him into the shadow world of memories best left forgotten. The two worlds collide, and William is rushed down a path that is paved with deceit, lies and an awful truth, a truth that pulls him into a world of darkness from which he cannot escape."