Back in May, we shared the exciting news that ComiXology was adding yet another intriguing story to their catalogue of compelling digital comics with Hailstone, a Civil War horror thriller written by Rafael Scavone and illustrated by Rafael de Latorre, and today we're thrilled to exclusively share preview pages from the second issue ahead of its June 8th release!
You can check out our exclusive preview below, and visit comiXology Originals online to learn more about Hailstone!
"Good Night, Sheriff
After the deadly encounter of the night before, Tobias reaches out to the local Blackfoot Tribe for help. Haunted by his past and the dreams of his missing son, Ross sets off in pursuit of the truth about what Captain Spencer is hiding in the factory.
Part of the comiXology Originals line of exclusive digital content only available on comiXology and Kindle. Read for free as part of your subscription to comiXology Unlimited, Kindle Unlimited or Amazon Prime. Also available for purchase via comiXology and Kindle."