If you prefer to pick up The Walking Dead by volumes instead of individual issues, we wanted to remind you that Volume 16 has just been released. The new volume is titled "A Larger World" and collects the story arc of the same name in issues #91-96.
The new story focuses on the discovery of a nearby network of survivor-built communities and Rick's initial interactions with them. We've included volume cover art below and also have a 5-page preview of issue #91 to get you started. The Walking Dead Volume 16 retails for $14.99, but if you don't mind the wait for shipping, Amazon.com is currently has it listed for $10.08: http://www.amazon.com/The-Walking-Dead-Vol-16/dp/1607065592/
For everyone who is completely caught up on the comic book series, Something to Fear continues with The Walking Dead #99, which is due out on June 20th.