The last episode of the three-part BBC zombie series, In The Flesh, aired last night. If you have questions about the series, take a look at this new video feature with Dominic Mitchell. Based on his comments, it sounds like more episodes are on the way. Nothing specific has been announced at this time, but we'll let readers know as soon as it becomes official.
“[The Story] ...begins after the Zombie Uprising has been quelled by the Human Volunteer Force and life is starting to return to normal. Any surviving zombies have been captured, medicated, held in an NHS holding facility in Norfolk and are being slowly re-integrated back into society, with the help of contact lenses and cover up mousse. The story follows teenager Kieran Walker and boldly goes where no zombie drama has gone before.”
For those that live in the UK and have not yet seen the first three episodes, they are currently available online at: