"Even now, they still find new ways to dispose of the dead." If you were hoping that the latest cover art for The Walking Dead would give you clues as to how All Out War ends, you're out of luck, but we're loving these new covers and can't wait to see what Robert Kirkman has in store for the "New Beginning".
All Out War only has one issue to go and everyone is wondering who's going to survive. The post-All Out War covers have raised more questions than answers, especially since it features a new cast of characters, but we'll know everything less than one month from now.
The new cover art is thanks to TheWalkingDead.com! We've included a look at the upcoming covers below and you can check out the All Out War cover art, along with our previous interviews with Robert Kirkman, at:
ALL OUT WAR Release Schedule:
Next Story Arc (A New Beginning):
"Even now, they still find new ways to dispose of the dead."