BOOM! Studios continues to push the envelope when it comes to original horror properties and they've officially announced The Returning, a new limited series that is said to give near-death experiences a horrifying new twist:

"Award-winning publisher BOOM! Studios is excited to announce the March debut of THE RETURNING, a four-issue limited series that gives near-death experiences a horrifying new twist. Writer Jason Starr (Wolverine Max, The Chill)  and artist Andrea Mutti (Conan, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) create a world that’s part Carrie, part Hellblazer, part Crossed, and steeped in a mystery that will keep readers guessing until the end.

“Jason and Andrea have crafted a smart, beautifully drawn thriller in THE RETURNING,” said BOOM! Studios Editor-in-Chief Matt Gagnon. “It’s dark, intense, and sets up a compelling mystery around near-death experiences. I’ve been a fan of Jason Starr for years, ever since I read his novels from Hard Case Crime. He and Andrea Mutti are terrific storytellers, and if you’re not already a fan of their work, I think you will be by the end of this series.”

WHY WE LOVE IT: We can’t get enough innovative mashups of some of our favorite genres: Fantasy, Horror, and Mystery. Plus, we’re fascinated with the science of NDE’s!

WHY YOU WILL LOVE IT: Award-winning novelist Jason Starr (Wolverine Max, The Chill) and artist Andrea Mutti (Conan, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) deliver a gripping but deeply human drama set in an uncertain world.

WHAT’S IT ABOUT: It’s the near future, and some people who have had Near-Death Experiences have come back "changed." They exhibit extreme behavioral changes, becoming increasingly paranoid and violent, and no one knows why. People who have had NDE's fall immediately under suspicion, and in some cases, are murdered by justice-seeking vigilantes. It is in this world where Beth, a quiet high school student with a bright future, will learn just how quickly friends and family will turn on her when she has the bad luck of surviving the worst night of her life...

THE RETURNING #1 arrives in comic shops on March 12th with a cover price of $3.99 under Diamond order code JAN140992. Not sure where to find your nearest comic retailer? Use or to find one! It’s also available for order directly from"