In case you missed it, Max Brooks' The Extinction Parade #4 was released this week. This is a series we'll be reporting on more here at Daily Dead and we've been provided with a look at all of the covers available for the newest issue.For future issues, we're working to get early cover art, preview pages, and interviews, so be on the lookout for more in the coming months.

Series Summary: "The best-selling Zombie writer in history finally unleashes an all-new zombies vs. vampires epic for comics! One of the founders of the zombie renaissance, Max Brooks has sold millions of books in dozens of languages. His first book The Zombie Survival Guide not only singlehandedly jump-started the zombie prep subculture, it's graphic novel companion Recorded Attacks debuted as #1 on the New Times Bestseller list. His second book World War Z has been adapted by Brad Pitt into a major horror blockbuster. Extinction Parade tells the story of the aristocratic vampire race and how their slow and self centered way of life causes them to miss the extinction of man happening in front of them as the zombie plague wipes out the human race. This is how a species dies."

Issue #4: "Extinction Parade continues its brutal march towards annihilation! His books on zombies have entertained millions of readers and now MAX BROOKS redefines vampires as he brings an all-out war of the undead! Zombies have been at best a nuisance to the vampire race for thousands of years but never a real threat. Their clumsy foothold over humans has always been beaten back. But this time the tide of shambling dead have turned the corner and are rapidly depleting the ranks of the living. Even with their superior abilities and ferocity, can the vampire race find a way to stop the decimation?"