Magnet released [REC] 3: Genesis to a variety of on-demand services this week, with a theatrical opening set for September 7th. I wrapped up an interview earlier today with the film's star, Leticia Dolera, and we talked about how much fun it was to kill zombies with a chainsaw, preparing for the role, and working with director Paco Plaza:


Before you were cast in [REC] 3, were you a fan of the first two films?

Leticia Dolera: Yes, I supposed that almost everyone in Spain has seen it because it was a big success here. I found the first one really original, scary, and different. It was a way of telling a horror movie in a different way and also talked about the reality of horror in everyday life.

I also knew Paco's previous work. There is a movie called Christmas Tale that I really like, so I was happy to work with him. I had already worked with Paco in a fake teaser called Damned Friday. If you haven't watched it, I recommend it because it's really cool. We had also made a music video, so I was happy to get the chance to work for more than a couple of days with him. **[Editor's Note: We included the fake trailer video below]

Did Paco have you in mind from the start or was this a role you had to audition for?

Leticia Dolera: They had me in mind when writing the script and that was really cool [laughs]. It was really exciting and he saw something in me that other directors don't normally see. I always play the sweet character and not a strong woman that takes a chainsaw and starts killing everyone. It was really a great gift to explore these physical and strong emotions for the first time.

With this being a new type of role for you, was it a physically exhausting movie to shoot? What did you do to prepare for this role and those chainsaw scenes?

Leticia Dolera: I knew it was going to be tough, so I went to the gym a lot to prepare myself. Normally I'm really skinny and have a more fragile appearance, so I worked with a personal trailer. I liked the feeling of getting strong. I've never worked out like that before and it really gives you power. It helped prepare me for the role and made the shooting much easier. I can say that it does take all of your strength to kill zombies with a chainsaw.

I felt that you had great chemistry with your co-stars. Had you previously worked with Diego or were you meeting everyone for the first time?

Leticia Dolera: I worked with Diego before. He played in my second short film and I directed him. I was there when Paco first met him and I knew he'd be great because I could work with him as a director. He has a great sense of humor and we connect in a good way. It was really easy to work with him.

It was the perfect shooting. Everything fit perfectly because of Paco. He manages to create this atmosphere, where everyone knows what you have to do. At the same time you feel like you are part of the movie, creatively. He gets everyone to give more than what they normally give.

Since this is probably the first time many of our US readers are seeing you in a film, I wanted to let them know about your upcoming projects. Do you have any more horror/sci-fi projects coming up?

Leticia Dolera: I just finished up a post-apocalyptic movie called The Last Day that happens in Barcelona. I'm also going to direct my first short film, which is a science fiction story.

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I want to thank Leticia for taking the time to talk with me. Remember that [REC] 3 was just released to a variety of on-demand services, including cable, Amazon, iTunes, and more. If you're interested in waiting to see it in theaters, a limited released will start on September 7th.

I also interviewed director Paco Plaza today, so be on the lookout for that interview next week. Interested in learning more about [REC] 3: Genesis? We have a photo gallery, trailer and the synopsis at: