There have been many new additions to the cast of The Walking Dead in the fourth season, including a few young actresses who were thrown right into the middle of the chaos at the prison. For our latest Q&A feature, I spoke with Kyla Kenedy, who plays Mika on the TV series. She told me about auditioning for the role, working with Melissa McBride, and much more about her experience on set:

Thank you for taking the time to talk with us. Can you tell us how you became involved with The Walking Dead? Was there an audition? Can you tell us about your experience? 

Kyla: Thank you for the interview! When I was in LA I got a call from my agent letting me know that I had an audition to go on tape for TWD. So, I did and then they wanted me to come in person, but we couldn't, so they Skyped with me!! Yeah, it was really a lot of fun! Greg Nicotero and Scott Gimple and a few other people were on Skype with me, and during my audition my cat (Louie) walked into the room and they all were like "Is that a cat?" So I went over & grabbed him and held him up to the camera and started doing a Robot voice like he was talking and introduced him that way. Mr. Greg & Mr. Scott started laughing.  The next thing I knew I was hired!

The Walking Dead features quite a few gruesome scenes. Is it a show that your mother allowed you to watch before you got the role? What excited you the most about joining the cast?

Kyla: No, and actually I really didn't know anything about the show before my audition. Well since I had never watched the show I really didn't know what to expect or anything about the cast, but after I booked it my mom watched it first, and then let me. I can remember thinking WOW they are all such amazing actors. I loved watching it. It was scary and at the same time an amazing story!  I couldn't  wait to get on set with them and be a part of their world.  I knew it was going to be such a great experience and I was right!

You share a number of scenes with Melissa McBride. What did you enjoy most about working with her?

Kyla: I LOVED EVERYTHING about working with her! Our scenes were so intense and there was such a roller coaster of emotions we had to have.  A lot of times Melissa & I would start getting into character together before our takes so we could really be in the moment. She really taught me a lot.

You're surrounded by many experienced and talented actors on The Walking Dead. Has this experience helped you become a better actress? What have you learned from them?

Kyla: Oh my gosh YES! Everyone on the set is like one big family! Everyone treated me like one of the family from day one. Lauren Cohen came to my trailer the first day just to introduce herself and say HI!! They all made me feel so at home. It was so obvious how much they all love the show, each other, and how their all so focused and committed to making it the best show on TV.

In Season 4, there are so many zombies including ones that are inside of the prison. Were you scared at all seeing all of these zombies walking around? 

Kyla: Yes! At first they freaked me out, but after a little while you realize they are just actors in make up. It's really weird when you go to lunch and a freaky Zombie is sitting at a table over drinking a tea and chilling out! You start getting used to it.

Can you share with us one of your favorite on-set experiences? Is there a funny story or favorite moment that comes to mind?

Kyla: There was this one time when I was on set & Mr. Greg came up behind me and grabbed me like he was a Zombie making Zombie sounds! It really scared me, but it was pretty funny,  and the entire cast and crew started laughing at me.

Do you watch any of the episodes that you're in?

Kyla: Yes, But sometimes when it gets too scary I close my eyes.

Many of The Walking Dead's young actresses appear at conventions to interact with fans. Is that something you'll be doing in 2014?

Kyla: Well I hope so. I think it would be a lot of fun.

I understand you just recently joined Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Where can our reader follow you online?

Kyla: Yes I did. My Instagram is @kylakenedy4, Twitter is @kenedy_kyla, and facebook is /KylaKenedy4.

Do you have any other projects coming up besides The Walking Dead? Is there anything else you'd like to share with our readers?

Kyla: Well, I just shot a project for Universal and Valhalla films, but I can't talk about it, and I have an independent film coming out called Realite (I play Reality).  Yes. Just that If you have a dream and someone tells you that you can't do it, just keep trying and I guarantee you that you will succeed.


This is just the first of multiple special features we have leading up to The Walking Dead Season 4's return on Sunday. Catch up on our recent coverage by visiting the following links:

  • Jonathan James
    About the Author - Jonathan James

    After spending more than 10 years as a consultant in the tech and entertainment industry, Jonathan James launched Daily Dead in 2010 to share his interest in horror and sci-fi. Since then, it has grown into an online magazine with a staff of writers that provide daily news, reviews, interviews, and special features.

    As the Editor-in-Chief of Daily Dead, Jonathan is responsible for bringing the latest horror news to millions of readers from around the world. He is also consulted with as an expert on zombies in entertainment and pop culture, providing analyses of the zombie sub-genre to newspapers, radio stations, and convention attendees.