This week sees the return of Hoax Hunters and the start of a brand new arc. You can read the beginning of Hoax Hunters #6 before its release on Wednesday with our 6-page preview:

Series Synopsis: Cryptids. Aliens. Monsters. All the world's bizarre secrets--what if they were real? Their existence would be debunked by a reality TV show! HOAX HUNTERS is that show, publicly disproving all variety of lore. But their real goal is the opposite: as the world's dark corners surface, the HOAX HUNTERS cover them up.

Hoax Hunters #6: "HAUNCHYVILLE" - At Reality Con, the Hoax Hunters cross paths with the Hoax Hunters Hunters and are issued a challenge: Disprove the legend of the Haunchyville gnomes and their albino king! The start of an all new arc!

Story by: Michael Moreci & Steve Seeley Art By: Axel Medellin Cover By: Jenny Frison