Directed by Billy O'Brien, I Am Not a Serial Killer tells the story of John Wayne Cleaver (Max Records), a young teen riddled with homicidal thoughts who must protect his hometown from an actual serial killer. Based on the novel of the same name by author Dan Wells, we get our first look at the official trailer and poster for the IFC Midnight film before it is released in select theaters and on VOD on August 26th.
Synopsis: "Sixteen-year-old John Wayne Cleaver (Max Records, Where the Wild Things Are) is not a serial killer—but he has all the makings of one. Keeping his homicidal tendencies and morbid obsessions with death and murder in check is a constant struggle that only gets harder when a real serial killer begins terrorizing his sleepy Midwestern town. Now, in order to track down a psychopath and protect those around him, John must unleash his darkest inner demons. Based on the cult novel by Dan Wells, this twisted, genre-bending thriller co-stars Christopher Lloyd and Breaking Bad’s Laura Fraser."
Directed by Billy O'Brien and based on the novel of the same name by Dan Wells, I Am Not a Serial Killer stars Laura Fraser, Christopher Lloyd, Max Records, Karl Geary, and Bruce Bohne. IFC Midnight will release the film in select theaters and on VOD on August 26th.