Indie Spotlight

2014/07/06 19:21:35 +00:00 | Tamika Jones

We return with another edition of the Indie Spotlight, highlighting recent independent horror news sent our way. Today's feature includes first details from Kadence and soon-to-be feature length film, Headless, a new Phantasmagoria poster, a teaser video for Bad Kids Go 2 Hell, a review of The Well, and more:

First Details on Kadence: "Still reeling from the loss of his mother, a damaging and complex relationship with his father, and a relentless battle with his own inner demons, Kadin's [17] grip on reality is loosening by the day. Amid this struggle comes an enigmatic and brazen new neighbor, Marissa [19], who, along with the promise of a budding new friendship gives Kadin an ancient voodoo doll. Her reassurance is seductive and the promise of a brighter future leads Kadin to make a sinister choice.

Kadence, a short film blending psychological horror with a chilling character drama that could best be described as The Haunting [1963] meets Let the Right One In (but with no vampires…), embarks on its final Kickstarter countdown today, as the month long campaign to garner support heads to the July 2nd finish line.

Directed by Jacob Johnston (Marvel Studios), produced by Rachel Kiri Walker (Producer - Folk Hero and Funny Guy, Unit Publicist -Life Partners) and Nicole Hendrix (two time Emmy-award winner, KTLA).

The cast of Kadence includes Alyson Stoner (Step Up, Phineas and Ferb), Bailey Chase (Longmire, Saving Grace, Buffy The Vampire Slayer) and Zane Holtz (From Dusk Til Dawn), with additional casting announcements to be made within the coming weeks. The crew features an assortment of Marvel’s brilliant behind the scenes team including Costume Designer Carlos Rosario (Captain America: Winter Soldier) and concept artists Anthony Francisco (Hunger Games, AntMan) and Jackson Sze (The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy), coming together to support co-worker Johnston’s vision.

“When I talk about this story [Kadence] and why it’s important, it’s essential that I mention that I am fascinated by people: their quirks, their psyche, and the consequences of their actions - it is as gripping as it is terrifying: who we are and the implications of our interactions, as humans, can have resounding effects that follow us for the rest of our lives. Bringing those elements back to the screen is something I aim to capture in Kadence.” says Jacob Johnston."

For more information, and to support the progress of this short film, go to the Facebook page at: or the Twitter page at:


New Poster for Phantasmagoria: "Malleus is an omnivore power trio from Italy. The iconography at the base of their work, that is mainly the art of silkscreening, originates from a vast scenery including figurative arts, in particular Expressionism and Symbolism, Art Nouveau and Surrealism, Pop Art and Psychedelic Art, and also comics, photography, cinema and literature. All these ingredients blend in with the main element of their poetics; that is the female form, the primordial goddess, from whom everything comes. Blackened art nouveau mixed with elements of surrealism and quotes from the school of expressionism glowing in its amber, resulting in an almost psychedelically overwhelming experience of visual magik.

At the centre of Malleus’ art we often find beautiful, yet mysterious women, celebrating the primordial goddess. Usually this is accentuated by occult symbolism worked into arcane textures. All of the power trio’s works are based on masterful hand-drawings.

Malleus’ extensive catalogue of posters created to date includes works for acts such as: Amanda Palmer, Auf der Maur, Baroness, Beck, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Blues Explosion, Brant Bjork, The Chemical Brothers, The Cure, Deftones, Dinosaur Jr., The Donnas, Dresden Dolls, Eagles of Death Metal, Fantômas, Fishbone, Flaming Lips, Helmet, Iggy Pop & The Stooges, Incubus, Isis, Jovanotti, Kings of Leon, Korn, Linkin Park, Mars Volta, Melvins, Mogwai, Motorpsycho, Monster Magnet, Mark Lanegan, Mudhoney, Muse, Nine Inch Nails, The Prodigy, Robert Plant, Queen of the Stone age, Sonic Youth, Tool, Turbonegro, Ufomammut, Dario Argento's movies and many more.

They were approached by M International Films to create the new poster of the movie "Phantasmagoria".

“We like the ‘golden period’ of the Italian horror cinema. Phantasmagoria has seduced us by its atmosphere, so it’s been exciting to work on this poster. It’s been a good challenge for us. Moreover, as Italians is good to discover how much he’s appreciated all around the world.”

Phantasmagoria will be part of the 34th edition of prestigious Fanta Festival in Rome (Italy) this July 15.

Three directors, Mickael Abbate, Domiziano Cristopharo & Tiziano Martella, offer us their original visions of fear in three gripping films that encompass the breadth of the genre: Diabolique, Il serpente dalla lingua acciaio and My Gift to You.
Venantino Venantini (City of the Living Dead, Ladyhawke), Sophie Pâris and newcomer Maya Dolan are in Phantasmagoria. The stories are written by Davide Chiara (Nero Infinito), Raffaele Picchio (Morituris, M is for Mouth), Lorenzo Paviano, Riccardo De Flaviis, co-produced by Extreme Video snc (Anger of the Dead, Morning Star, Zombie Massacre) and produced by M International Films."

To learn more on Phantasmagoria, go to the film's Facebook page at:


Northstar: "The first in a limited web series chronicling events leading up to Northstar. In the wake of a mysterious nation-wide Cataclysm, Alex has gathered up what's left of his life and is traveling north through a dangerous new world."


Lowlife Release Details: "A lonely musician's descent into the shadowy world of a living drug leads to a mysterious island where a battle of body and soul is waged.

BrinkVision is set to release the critically acclaimed, twisted lo-fi horror film Lowlife on VOD and limited edition DVD on August 26th. After its sold-out premiere at Fantasia Film Festival, Lowlife went on to win awards and screen at theatres and festivals across North America. Directed by Canadian Seth Smith, the film is crafted to take you deep inside a cruel, intoxicating poem, with no means of escape. Lowlife is the latest in a line of independent horror films that offers a fresh take on the genre and pushes the boundaries of cinema."

For more information on this film, or to purchase it on VOD and DVD, visit:


Moebius Trailer and Release Details: "RAM Releasing, the genre shingle of Film Movement, announces today that Moebius, the latest from acclaimed Korean director Kim Ki-Duk (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring) opens in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago throughout August, and will be available to audiences nationwide via cable and digital VOD on August 29.

When she catches her husband having an affair, a woman attempts to castrate the cheater for his wrongdoing. Unsuccessful, she instead inflicts the unspeakable act on her own son, setting off a series of grotesque yet provocative events ranging from a hurried genital transplant to pain-inflicted orgasms that all merge in a continuous thread of delirious storytelling. With both husband and son damaged and living in grief, the wife returns as the family heads towards destruction even more horrific than before.

Kim Ki-Duk, whose signature style pushes the limits of challenging filmmaking and often blows right through them, won the Golden Lion with PIETA at the Venice Film Festival last year. The prolific director is set to shock audiences again with Moebius, his latest perverse statement on family tensions, sexual boundaries and society’s issues with each.

The platform theatrical release sees Moebius opening in Los Angeles on August 8 (at The Cinefamily), New York City on August 15 (at Cinema Village) and Chicago on August 22 (at Facets). On August 29, the film becomes available on cable VOD at all major providers (Comcast, Time Warner, Cox, Verizon, et al) and digital VOD at iTunes, Amazon Instant, Google Play, Vudu, Xbox, Playstation, Rovi and Samsung Hub.

Available nationwide August 29 on cable and digital VOD."

To learn more about this film, or to see photos from the film, visit:


First Details on Feature Length Version of Headless: "The body count climbs as a skull-faced killer battles his inner demons in this retro-slasher epic.

The ten-minute piece of footage so controversial it got Found banned in Australia is now in development as a feature film. Due to overwhelming demand by fans of the original movie, Forbidden Films – the creative team behind Found - is collaborating with Gentleman Monster Productions to bring to life the complete, bloody story of Headless.

Found, the DIY horror darling that debuted on the festival circuit in 2012, made its mark on the indie scene as a boyhood tale with a bent toward the macabre. Based on the novel by Todd Rigney, Found built a blood-soaked masterpiece on a shoestring budget of just $8,000, going on to win 15 Best Feature awards, as well as numerous other awards for acting, directing, and cinematography.

Fans of Found will remember Headless as the nasty little peek into a slasher movie that horrified two young friends with its amped-up blood and guts, its parade of topless women, and its iconic, machete-wielding villain. The feature-length version of this intense, gore-filled fantasy brings the gruesome and the psychedelic together in one gorgeous, grotesque, ultra-hardcore horror party.

Headless is currently in the development stages, and has just launched its Kickstarter campaign, which runs through July 21, 2014 and features comprehensive reward packages.

Written by Nathan Erdel (Unwelcome) and directed by Arthur Cullipher (The Adipocere Child, Roses: A Goremance, Come). Produced by Scott Schirmer (Director, Found) and Kara Erdel (Unwelcome). Starring: Shane Beasley as the Headless Killer."

For more information on Headless, visit:


Bad Kids Go 2 Hell Production Details and Teaser Released: "Good Kids/Bad Kids the development company behind the comic book/movie franchise Bad Kids Go to Hell, announced today that Ben Browder (Farscape, Stargate SG-1, Doctor Who, Bad Kids Go to Hell) has signed on to make his feature film directorial debut for the movie sequel Bad Kids Go 2 Hell. He will also be reprising his memorable role of “Max.”

The movie sequel is based on the popular comic book series of the same name, which tells the tale of five private school students locked in a Saturday detention with a killer on the loose.

Production begins July 28, 2014 and will be shot in Dallas, Texas."


Limited Edition Sci-Fi/Horror Star Charts Announced: "Dorothy have added two new sets of prints to their Star Chart range, celebrating their two favourite film genres Science Fiction and Horror. In a twist on the traditional star chart, the constellations are named after films (and a few choice TV shows), and the stars are named after actors, directors, producers, graphic artists and writers whose work has been key to Sci-Fi and Horror's enduring popularity.

The 'Science Fiction Star Chart' is based on the night sky above Paris on September 1st, 1902 (the first screening of Georges Méliès Le Voyage dans la Lune). 121 titles feature on the chart from early silent films (Metropolis), B movies of the 50's (Plan 9 from Outer Space), 'new wave' films from the 60's (2001: A Space Odyssey), box office successes of the 70's and 80's (Star Wars) and contemporary blockbusters (Gravity). The Science Fiction Star chart is available as an Open Edition litho print or a special Limited Edition screen print on Mirri reflective paper.

The 'Horror Star Chart' is based on the night sky over Berlin on 4th March, 1922 (the premier of F.W. Murnau’s silent vampire film 'Nosferatu'). 135 titles feature on the chart including early silent films (The Cabinet of Dr Caligari), Universal Monsters from the 30's (Frankenstein), Hammer classics (Captain Kronos - Vampire Hunter), forerunners of the slasher sub genre in the 60's (Psycho), supernatural thrillers of the 70's (The Exorcist), video ‘nasties’ vilified by the media in the 80’s (The Evil Dead) through to the recent Zombie revival (28 Days Later). The Horror Star Chart is available as an Open Edition litho print or a special Limited Edition Glow in the Dark print."

For more information on these prints, or how to purchase them, go to:


Indie Spotlight Impressions: The Well

by Tamika Jones

What would you do if you and your lover are amongst the few survivors left in a world devastated by years-long drought? That is the predicament the two protagonists in The Well find themselves in.

The Well is directed by Thomas Hammock, who is known for his work on You're Next, V/H/S 2, and All the Boys Love Mandy Lane. It tells the story of Kendal (Haley Lu Richardson), who must protect not only her ailing boyfriend Dean (Booboo Stewart), but also the last remaining well in a town in Oregon.

Coming from a production design and art direction background, Hammock does a terrific job creating a rustic and bleak world in which the characters reside. It is very reminiscent of a lot of post-apocalyptic worlds we've seen in films of the past, and most recently in Australian film, The Rover. The desert setting is wonderful to look at and at times you can almost feel the brutal heat that is pounding down on the characters. The conflicts are plenty in this film, but not most of it feels in any way tense. The group of bandits, led by Carson (Jon Gries) and his daughter, fell very flat and sometimes cartoonish. Their intentions for taking over the well other than just "that is what bad guys do" isn't very clear or believable. Richardson, however, does her best to bring some weight to her performance and show how desperate her situation is. There is also some violence in The Well that is noteworthy. There isn't an overwhelming amount of action, but I think given the film's budget, it looks very good.

Overall, The Well is an experience worth having. The film is shot beautifully, with the rustic and sandy backdrop adding to the despair the survivors are dealing with. Solid performances are also present, with Haley Lu Richardson playing the kind of strong female character the film industry so desperately needs more of.

  • Tamika Jones
    About the Author - Tamika Jones

    Tamika hails from North Beach, Maryland, a tiny town inches from the Chesapeake Bay.She knew she wanted to be an actor after reciting a soliloquy by Sojourner Truth in front of her entire fifth grade class. Since then, she's appeared in over 20 film and television projects. In addition to acting, Tamika is the Indie Spotlight manager for Daily Dead, where she brings readers news on independent horror projects every weekend.

    The first horror film Tamika watched was Child's Play. Being eight years old at the time, she remembers being so scared when Chucky came to life that she projectile vomited. It's tough for her to choose only one movie as her favorite horror film, so she picked two: Nosferatu and The Stepford Wives (1975).

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