We return with another edition of the Indie Spotlight, highlighting the recent independent horror news sent our way. Today's feature includes a trailer for Bloodsucking Bastards, Phantasmagoria, and The Scarehouse, The Boston Horror Show lineup for 2015, Zombie with a Shotgun episode details, a Q&A with Ninjas vs Monsters director, Justin Timpane, and much more:
Bloodsucking Bastards Trailer and Premiere Details: "An Office Space meets Shaun of the Dead action-packed vampire comedy, Bloodsucking Bastards stars Fran Kranz as Evan Sanders, a dutiful and overworked employee stuck at a soul-killing corporation with his beautiful co-worker and girlfriend Amanda (Emma Fitzpatrick) and his slacker best friend Tim (Joey Kern). Evan’s world begins to crumble when Amanda dumps him and his boss Ted (Joel Murray) hands his coveted promotion to his nemesis Max (Pedro Pascal). When his officemates start going through disturbing changes and bodies begin to pile up, Evan must find a way to stop the evil brewing amidst the cubicles and water coolers, win back Amanda, and rescue his workplace pals before his life and career go from dead-end… to just dead.
Slamdance's opening night film Bloodsucking Bastards starring Pedro Pascal (Game of Thrones, Ben-Hur), Joel Murray (Mad Men), Fran Kranz (Cabin in the Woods), Yvette Yates (Inherent Vice) Joey Kern (Super Troopers) and Emma Fitzpatrick (The Collection). The horror/comedy was written by the LA-based comedy troupe Dr. God, and was directed by member Brian James O’Connell.
Slamdance 2015 Screenings
-Friday, January 23rd at 8:00pm (WORLD PREMIERE)
-Monday, January 26th at 1:40pm"
For more information on this film, or its screening at Slamdance, visit: http://bloodsuckingbastards.com
The Diabolical U.S. Distribution Details: "XLrator Media has acquired U.S. distribution rights to the supernatural thriller The Diabolical starring Ali Larter from the producers of The Pact and The Divide. XLrator Media will release the film in Fall 2015 on its acclaimed “Macabre” genre label.
The Diabolical was directed by Alistair Legrand in his feature film debut from a script he co-wrote with Luke Harvis. It was produced by Ross M. Dinerstein (The Pact, The Divide, Mr. Jones) and executive produced by Jamie Carmichael of Content Media and Kevin Iwashina of Preferred Content. The Diabolical marks the first film from Campfire, the new production company founded by Dinerstein and Content Media.
“Combining the relentless terror of The Conjuring with startling twists that take the film into an entirely different realm, The Diabolical will take audiences on a genre-bending thrill ride and marks the brilliant debut of filmmaker Alistair Legrand,” said XLrator Media CEO Barry Gordon.
The Diabolical stars Ali Larter (Final Destination, Resident Evil: Extinction, “Heroes,” TNT’s “Legends”) as the divorced mother of two children who are awoken nightly in their quiet suburban home by an increasingly strange and threatening presence. She desperately seeks help from her scientist boyfriend who begins a hunt to destroy the violent spirit that paranormal experts are too frightened to undertake. The film co-stars Arjun Gupta, Max Rose Chloe Perrin, Merrin Dungey and Patrick Fischler.
The deal was negotiated by XLrator Media’s Barry Gordon with Preferred Content’s Kevin Iwashina and Content Media’s Jamie Carmichael. Alistair Legrand and Luke Harvis are repped by UTA and MXN Entertainment."
New Trailer for Phantasmagoria Released: "3 shocking tales of horror that takes you beyond fear.
M International Films (The Transparent Woman, L’amour à la plage) unveils the first international trailer of its giallo film "Phantasmagoria". Three directors, Mickael Abbate, Domiziano Cristopharo & Tiziano Martella, offer us their original visions of fear in three gripping films: Diabolique, Il serpente dalla lingua acciaio and My Gift to You, each an hommage with a twist of the diferrent styles and atmospheres in this film genre. Starring the Italian cult actor Venantino Venantini (City of The Living Dead, Ladyhawke) and newcomers Maya Dolan, Sophie Pâris and Cristina Puccinelli.
With its typical Italian atmosphere and vintage photography, Phantasmagoria evokes the spirit of cult films directed by Mario Bava, Pupi Avati and also William Castle. The music score is composed by Gyrls. The stories are written by Davide Chiara (Nero Infinito), Raffaele Picchio (Morituris, M is for Mouth), Lorenzo Paviano, Riccardo De Flaviis, co-produced by Extreme Video snc (Anger of the Dead, Morning Star, Zombie Massacre) and produced by M International Films (The Transparent Woman, L’amour à la plage). The poster is designed by Malleus.
The anthology was selected in more than 25 international festivals. This Saturday, January 17, it will be screened in New York as part of the NY Horror Show Film Fest. The movie sales and distribution rights is represented by EuroObscura."
The Boston Horror Show Lineup Announced: "All Things Horror welcomes you to the inaugural edition of The Boston Horror Show - an eight-hour lineup of amazing new horrors, featuring Spring (Drafthouse Films, Northeast Premiere, Co-presented with The Boston Underground Film Fest), DYS~ (Northeast Premiere), The Sins of Dracula (Boston premiere), The Battery (return engagement), and a block of acclaimed short films!
SPRING (Dir. Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead) Northeast Premiere.
From Drafthouse Films, The directing team follows up on Resolution with this breathtakingly gorgeous new film. When a young man (Lou Taylor Pucci, Evil Dead) flees America after his mother's death and a bar fight, he finds love with a mysterious and beautiful young woman (Nadia Hilker). What he has no way of knowing is the love of his life harbors a monstrous secret. Spring will be co-presented with our good friends from the Boston Underground Film Festival. Spring was the recipient of the Best Picture Award at the 2014 Paris International Fantastic Film Festival and special mention at the prestigious Stiges Film Festival.
Benson and Moorhead have been named two of ten directors to watch for in 2015 by Variety while also being recipients of the 2014 Vanguard at the Toronto International Film Fest.
THE SINS OF DRACULA (Dir. Richard Marr Griffin) Boston Premiere.
A tongue-in-cheek tale that satirizes the Christian scare films of the 70s and 80s, The Sins of Dracula is a story of sex, sacrilege, and sin. It’s a world where Sondheim is Satan, Broadway means blasphemy, and where taking the stage just might mean curtains…for your eternal soul.
THE BATTERY (dir. Jeremy Gardner) A return engagement of one of our most popular screenings and a unique take on the zombie sub-genre.
The personalities of two former baseball players clash as they traverse the rural back roads of a post-plague New England teeming with the undead. This is one of the best reviewed and most celebrated low budget genre films of the past few years and proof that million dollar ideas don't need million dollar budgets to kick ass.
DYS~ (dir. Maude Michaud) Northeast Premiere.
A strange disease is plaguing the city; classes are cancelled, businesses are closed, all is under a state of emergency. What at first seems like a normal flu quickly leads to blind rage and cannibalistic behavior. Narrowly escaping contamination, Eva and Sam, a young married couple, are forced to barricade themselves in their high-rise apartment despite the palpable tension between them. Now forced into isolation in their small living space, they struggle with their own frailty in a world that can only offer the worst horrors imaginable.
From the horrific to hilarious to heartbreaking, we're lining up some of the best short horror films from all over the globe for this block. Details and line up to follow."
For more information on this event, and how to purchase tickets, visit: http://www.BostonHorrorShow.com
Zombie with a Shotgun: "Zombie with a Shotgun is a film/webseries about Aaron, Aaron's shotgun, and Rachel who are both on the run! Aaron gets infected with the zombie virus. As the story unfolds in front of us, we watch the two take a journey to find all of the answers to our zombie questions. The viewer watches in angst wondering why Aaron has not yet developed the full zombie virus. Will others who get infected get to see another day? Stay tuned."
To watch all of the episodes of Zombie with a Shotgun so far, visit: http://www.zombiewithashotgun.com
The Scarehouse Trailer and Release Details: "When Corey and Elaina open a Halloween fun house on Devil's Night it is all fun and games until their former sorority sisters begin to arrive. These six sisters are confronted by their betrayal as the night spins out of control inside the Scarehouse. Revenge is a bitch.
The Scarehouse is written and directed by: Gavin Michael Booth. [It] is now on VOD and iTunes in Canada and the U.S."
To learn more, go to the film's Twitter account or Facebook page.
Clips and Trailer Released from Tales of Poe: "Mastropiece Productions & SouthPaw Pictures presents the Official trailer for the film Tales of Poe. Directed by Bart Mastronardi & Alan Rowe Kelly.
Starring Bette Cassatt, Zoe Daelman Chlanda, Colin Cunliffe, Lesleh Donaldson, Andrew Glaszek, Desiree Gould, Randy Jones, Alan Rowe Kelly, Adrienne King, David Marancik, Brewster Mccall, Joe Quick, Debbie Rochon, Amy Steel, Caroline Williams, Joe Zaso & Cartier Williams as "Kharon".
Adapted from the writings of Edgar Allan Poe. Written by Bart Mastronardi, Alan Rowe Kelly & Michael Varrati. Music by Tom Burns. Directed by Bart Mastronardi & Alan Rowe Kelly."
For more information on this film, visit: http://www.talesofpoefilm.com
The Tell Tale Heart:
The Cask:
Indie Spotlight Q&A with Director of Ninjas vs Monsters, Justin Timpane
What can we expect this time around, Justin?
Justin: We looked for a kitchen sink to throw in, but we had to make due with having everything but. Seriously. We knew this was our last time around, so we threw in a HUGE amounts of fights, scares, deaths, and whatever else we could dream up. We didnt want to walk away saying “We wish we had put this or that in”, and I think we succeeded! You want Dracula and Frankenstein? Done. Werewolf or Mummy? Done. Zombies, monsters, sexy witches, gun battles, brutal kills, hilarious rants? Its all in there, with some actual real emotion too.
How have the films changed – if at all – since the original?
Justin: A lot. The first one was very much a comedy first, as much Clerks as it was Evil Dead. This one has a faster pace, crazier action, and higher stakes than we ever had before. Plus, three films in, we learned a lot, so we have managed to make a film that looks a lot sharper, a lot more energetic, and a lot cooler. This was a much more technical film to make, but it really shows.
Are the movies largely improvised or do they closely follow a script?
Justin: There’s very little that isn’t scripted in one way or another. We allow improvised moments on set, and we keep some of them, but we stick largely to the script on the day. Now, the actors will tell you I am awful about showing up on the day with a totally changed script or fight, and they hate me for it sometimes, but all in all, with a film with this much choreography and effects work, we have to follow some tight technical guidelines.
They’re very physical movies. Have you had any actors injured?
Justin: Yes. None critically, but we had some scary moments. This one in particular has three or four times as much action as the last two, and as such, there was more potential for injury, and it did happen. That being said, our stunt coordinators are sticklers for safety, and when you look at the sheer volume of hits, kicks, sword hits, flips, falls, and stunts in the film, the fact that everyone went home every day on their feet is because those guys made it safe.
Where did you shoot the film/s?
Justin: In the Washington DC, MD and VA area. We had a lot of amazing locations that gave us the look we wanted. In particular we found some really scary and nightmarish spaces for the scarier and darker scenes, and when they show up, you know you’ve just entered the “boiler room” so to speak.
Most independent filmmakers rely on their family and friends. Did you weigh on yours at all to make the movie happen?
Justin: Absolutely. It helps that most of my friends are actors, filmmakers and creative professionals that have joined our family over the years. We tried as hard as we could to include family in there too, so you’ll see a lot of our kids and wives and husbands and moms and dads popping in here and there. The only exception there is the audition process, where we really did cast based on performance, and brought on some really great folks this time around.
How did distribution come about? Are film festivals still the go as far as finding a distributor?
Justin: Film fests are nice, and we have enjoyed some recognition for all three Ninjas Vs films. This one was the crown jewel at the Spooky Film Fest in 2012 just outside DC, but I don’t think it is as necessary as maybe it used to be. We contacted a number of distributors who release similar movies to ours, and we have a great relationship with our current and former distributors. LEFT handled Vampires for us in the UK and worldwide as a sales agent, and we continued with them for Monsters. Uncork’d is handling our VOD and has been really easy going and approachable, and we have partnered with Big Damn Films which distributed Browncoats: Redemption very successfully, whom we already had a relationship with. So, those relationships mattered. It didn’t hurt to have Eduardo Sanchez on our side as well to give us that extra oomph.
How will you be celebrating the release?
Justin: Sleep and Jamisons. Seriously, just by calling everyone we know and giving our crew the pat on the back they deserve. Also, I want to tell your readers that if they like indie-action-horror-comedy. If the old Evil Dead flicks, or Kevin Smith films were your cup of tea, you will probably dig Ninjas Vs Monsters. You can check us out on iTunes, XBOX, Playstation, Comcast and a ton of VOD outlets, as well as on DVD from Ninjasvs.com on Feb 3. (In the UK, find us on Jan 26 on Amazon or VOD). Thanks so so much for reading this! Now go get the flick! :)