Jack's Back, the 1988 slasher thriller, tells the story of sex workers from Los Angeles who turn up dead on the 100th anniversary of the Jack the Ripper murders in London. Police have a suspect in Westford (James Spader), but perhaps they have the wrong man. In celebration of Jack's Back on Blu-ray courtesy of Scream Factory, we have three high-def clips and a trailer from Rowdy Herrington's film.
From the press release: One hundred years ago, Jack the Ripper slashed his way through London's red light district. Now, a modern-day maniac is honoring the event by mutilating L.A.'s ladies of the evening. Has Jack the Ripper been reborn? The police are stumped and the prostitutes of L.A. are scared. The only person with a chance of solving the murders has a problem of his own – he's the LAPD's number one suspect.
James Spader (The Blacklist, Avengers: Age Of Ultron) and Cynthia Gibb (Death Warrant, Youngblood) star in this taut mystery thriller written and directed by Rowdy Herrington (Road House).
Bonus Features
- NEW High-Definition Transfer From The Original Negative
- NEW Audio Commentary With Writer/Director Rowdy Herrington
- NEW The Making Of JACK'S BACK - Interviews With Writer/Director Rowdy Herrington, Producer Tim Moore, Actress Cynthia Gibb and Director of Photography Shelly Johnson
- Theatrical Trailer