Yesterday, confirmation came in that John Luessenhop is currently in talks to direct Leatherface 3D. We also learned that this is envisioned as a new franchise and a deal is in place to create up to six new Leatherface-related movies. Yesterday's report did not include plot information, but our previous coverage from last year mentioned that this may be a direct sequel to the original film.
Bloody Disgusting appears to have received confirmation of this and has a plot synopsis. This fits in line with what we had heard in the past:
[Spoilers] "... the seventh incarnation is a direct sequel to Tobe Hooper's classic 1974 film that follows the lead character, Heather, who along with her friends, travel to Texas in order to collect an inheritance. The spin? What would you do if you found out your cousin was Leatherface, and he was now YOURS? -As explained to me by an insider." [End Spoilers]
Leatherface 3D could start shooting as early as this summer, so we should have confirmation on the plot and casting information shortly.