Daily Dead Managing Editor Heather Wixson was once again in Austin, Texas for Fantastic Fest, and in between world premiere screenings and interviews with the casts and crews of films playing at the fest, she was joined by special guests from the Dead Ringers and Horrorversary podcasts on a new episode of Corpse Club!

Live from Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas, it's a special film festival episode of Corpse Club! Co-host Heather Wixson is joined by Horrorversary podcast host Adrian Torres and Dead Ringers podcast co-hosts Emily von Seele, Kat Adams, Paul Farrell, and Nolan McBride to discuss the most memorable movies they saw at the festival, including Color Out of Space, VFW, The Lighthouse, In the Tall Grass, Synchronic, The Long Walk, First Love, Jojo Rabbit, and Dolemite is My Name. The co-hosts also reflect on some of the shared themes from the films featured at Fantastic Fest, such as time travel and much more. So, whether you made it to Austin for the annual cinematic celebration or you had to keep an eye on the Fantastic Feud results from home, kick back, relax, and enjoy a new episode of Daily Dead's podcast!

You can listen to the new episode of Corpse Club right now on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, TuneIn, and SoundCloud.

As a special treat for Daily Dead readers, we have officially launched our Corpse Club website and memberships. Not only can you view past episodes, but you can also sign up to be an official Corpse Club member to enjoy a wide range of rewards, including a shirt and pin that are to die for, access to bonus content, and the ability to suggest an episode topic!

Missed out on our previous episodes? The cemetery gate is always open. Come in (if you dare) and listen now.

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Overlook Film Festival Tickets