While I am very excited about Ridley Scott's Prometheus, I do want to keep the news to one item a day, so here are three interesting stories that popped up today:
-Noomi Rapace confirmed to MTV that she will be playing a scientist in the film: ""She's a scientist and is very bright.... She's a believer. I think there are some similarities, but she's very much her own. I don't think people will compare her so much to Ripley once they see the movie."
-Rafe Spall (Hot Fuzz), has been hired on for a "big" role according to Daily Mail. There is no word on what that role may be at this time.
-Daily Mail also seems to confirm my suspicion that Prometheus is still very much an Alien Prequel, saying that "Ridley’s movie is about gods and monsters and, contrary to the director’s claim (a smokescreen) that it’s not an Alien prequel, I hear the complete opposite. " You can read my editorial on Prometheus over here: http://dailydead.com/editorial-prometheus-is-still-an-alien-prequel/ .