While originally planned as a big budget supernatural adventure movie to be directed by McG, Universal recently took Ouija in a new direction. Paranormal Activity/Insidious producer Jason Blum is now working with Platinum Dunes on the film and new writers have been hired.
Juliet Snowden and Stiles White have been hired to re-write Ouija, with the plan to create a "high-concept, low-budget film" that will be similar to Jason Blum's previous efforts. Snowden and White previously worked on Boogeyman, Knowing, The Possession, and a new Poltergeist script.
There are no other details at this time, except for the fact that the project is targeting a 2013 release. We’ll update this story when more details are announced, but with a new script in the works, we probably won't hear much until later this year.