Sometimes we wish we lived in Japan. We miss out on all kinds of crazy things, such as a Resident Evil-themed "shooting bar" that was set up for the 15th Anniversary of Biohazard/Resident Evil.

Capcom teamed up with EA Shooting Bar in Tokyo for a month-long event that let you to shoot airsoft guns at zombie targets, try Resident Evil-themed drinks, and eat food with names like "Itchy Tasty Brains".

Sadly, the event is now over and we don't believe they have any plans to do this in the US, but we have pictures for you to check out. While the combination of drinks and airsoft guns may not be the safest mix we can think of, it wouldn't be too difficult to put on one of these events of your own.

From a recently posted IGN article: "Customers can then choose their target from a selection of Resident Evil monsters: a Zombie, Hunter, Ganado, Chainsaw Majini, Garrador, Executioner Majini or the dreaded Tyrant. The bar's staff will set your victim on a moving rail, which you can then send off to a distance of your choice and blast away at to your heart's content. Afterwards, you can take your massacred target home as a memento of your bravery in the face of the paper zombie threat."

For more images and info, check out Tokyo Scum Brigade. [Also, thanks to Rely On Horror]