In the tradition of EC Comics, A Disgusting Supermarket of Death is now available from author Jim Harberson and we have a preview you can read right now!
"A Disgusting Supermarket of Death collects hard-boiled shorts about satanic Christmas movies, performance art euthanasia, child-sacrifice skincare, and other demented goodness from Jim Harberson, co-author of Markosia’s acclaimed graphic novel, Stay Alive. The collection, also published by Markosia, is available in softcover and e-book formats from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Check it out on Twitter and Instagram!
Within the Supermarket you’ll meet a corrupt prison warden who sells true crime fanatics a serial killer meet and greet; healthcare workers who cause a massive car pile-up so they can murder its victims while pretending to treat them; a Hollywood undertaker who sells rich perverts carnal access to recently departed celebrities; secret cutting club members whose pastime presages a bloody nightmare at their high school; a supermodel who, while recovering from plastic surgery at a Swiss clinic, discovers that she has simultaneously washed up dead on a tropical beach; an overeager life coach who cyber stalks and surreptitiously abuses her clients to better them; an OCD sufferer whose irrational fear of being suspected of murder sends him on a neighborhood killing spree; a health insurer using insidious tactics to discourage patients from seeking costly care; and police officers who mysteriously murder their colleagues and each other after executing a lethal, botched raid.
Horror tinged with comedy, or comedy tinged with horror, these stories should delight even the most jaded speculative fiction fans.
About the Author
Jim Harberson loves horror and comedy, especially when they converge. His influences include EC Comics, MAD Magazine, Frank Miller, Mark Millar, Garth Ennis, James Ellroy, Raymond Chandler, Tom Wolfe, Kurt Vonnegut, and Bret Easton Ellis. The Simply Scary Podcast produced his short story “Making Things Click” in 2018.
Harberson graduated from Cornell, Yale, and the University of Pennsylvania. He lives in upstate New York."
To learn more or order a copy of A Disgusting Supermarket of Death for yourself, visit the book's official Amazon listing!
Trigger Warning: Self-Harm