Elementary school teachers deal with the occasional little monster, but in Cooties, a faculty faces an army of disobedient, hungry zombie children that are wilder than any human troublemaker. Lionsgate acquired Cooties after it premiered at Sundance early this year and in a recent interview, the film's star and producer Elijah Wood revealed when we can expect to see the movie released.
At Toronto's Fan Expo 2014, Twitch's Jason Gorber got a chance to chat with Elijah Wood, who gave the following status update on the release of Cooties:
"The status is hopefully January of next year. It definitely won't be this year, it'll be after the first of the year, and we're looking at January, but we're still waiting to see from Lion's Gate where they feel like it's going to sit."
Wood also mentioned that after being picked up by Lionsgate, they received more financial backing and were able to shoot a new ending for Cooties that excited the cast and crew. We'll keep Daily Dead readers updated on Cooties when an official announcement is made.
"In Cooties, a substitute teacher at a new school experiences the worst first day imaginable when he discovers that an outbreak of a mysterious virus is transforming the students into rampaging tykes. The film hilariously illustrates that sometimes kids can literally turn into little monsters. Going into Sundance, Cooties was already being talked about as one of the most highly anticipated films of the Festival."
"The comedic horror film marks the feature film directorial debut for directors Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion. It is written by Leigh Whannell (co-creator of Saw and Insidious) and Ian Brennan (co-creator of “Glee”) and stars Elijah Wood, Rainn Wilson, Alison Pill, Jack McBrayer, Leigh Whannell, Jorge Garcia, and Nasim Pedrad. Daniel Noah, Josh C. Waller, Elijah Wood, Steven Schneider, Georgy Malkov, and Tove Christensen produced the film with Leigh Whannell, Ian Brennan, Hayden Christensen, Seth William Meier, Vladimir Poliakov, Sarik Andreasyan, and Gevond Andreasyan as executive producers."