We finally have some good news for those looking for Blu-ray releases from the Miramax catalog. Lionsgate has officially signed on to release the Miramax catalog on DVD, Blu-ray, and video on demand. Some of the hundreds of titles in their catalog include the Scream Trilogy, From Dusk Til Dawn, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, and many more:
"LIONSGATE® (NYSE: LGF), a leading diversified filmed entertainment studio, Studiocanal and Miramax announced today that they have entered into a worldwide home entertainment distribution deal. Under the long-term deal, Lionsgate and Studiocanal will distribute more than 550 titles from the renowned Miramax film library via DVD, Blu-ray, EST and Internet Video On Demand (VOD), in addition to cable VOD internationally."
This is definitely good news for Blu-ray owners. There has been a hold up on Miramax releases, due to the sale of the company and I'm glad it has all been sorted out. I'm looking forward to watching some of my favorite movies on Blu-ray in the near future. To check out the full press release, visit the source link below.