Earlier this week, we showed you photos and 3 clips from episode 11, titled Judge, Jury, Executioner. One more clip has made its way online and we have it for you to watch.

Episode 2.11: Judge, Jury, Executioner- Rick sides with Shane causing Dale to worry that the group is losing its humanity; Carl’s actions have unintended consequences.

As we mentioned last time, fans of The Walking Dead will be interested to know that this particular episode was directed by Greg Nicotero. On top of being responsible for make-up effects on the show, he also directed The Walking Dead webisode series.

We've included the titles and descriptions for the last 2 episodes of season 2 below. To see the previously released photos and clips from episode 11, visit: http://dailydead.com/the-walking-dead-season-2-videos-and-photos-from-episode-11/

Episode 2.12: Better Angels- Someone dangerous may be loose near the farm; Rick, Shane, Daryl and Glenn keep the group safe.

Episode 2.13: Beside the Dying Fire- Rick and Carl find the farm in jeopardy; the group is split up in the chaos; Rick’s leadership is questioned.