Creatures known as Freakers roam the countryside looking for their next meal in the upcoming video game Days Gone, but as the new story trailer shows, human survivors can be just as deadly as the infected.
Days Gone will be released for the PlayStation 4 on April 26th. You can watch the new video below, check here to view gameplay footage, and stay tuned to Daily Dead for more updates on Days Gone.
"Days Gone is an open-world action-adventure game set two years after a devastating global pandemic. Play as Deacon St. John, a bounty hunter facing a brutal struggle for survival, searching for a reason to live.
At its core, Days Gone is about survivors and what makes them human: desperation, loss, madness, betrayal, friendship, brotherhood, regret, love – and hope. It’s about how even when confronted with such enormous tragedy they find a reason to live. Hope never dies."