Vincent Price passed away twenty years ago on October 25th, but he lives on thanks to the countless fans that continue to enjoy his work and he'll be remembered for generations to come. All this week, we've been giving Daily Dead readers a look at original trailers featuring the horror icon. Here's the trailer for 1971's The Abominable Dr. Phibes:
"Meet Doctor Phibes: A one-time concert musician who's now an all-time crazed murderer. In this clever, crypt-kicking classic, horror meister Vincent Price plays a diabolical doc seeking the ultimate in revenge with precision creepiness and surgical wit. Watch Dr. Phibes live up to his promise: "Nine killed her, nine shall die, nine eternities in doom!"
After a team of surgeons botch his beloved wife's surgery, leaving her for dead, the emotionally distraught Dr. Phibes creatively concocts a fatal prescription for revenge. Using the Good Book as his guide, Phibes unleashes a score of old testament atrocities, from a plague of locusts to an attack of rats on his enemies that climax in what may be one of "the eeriest endings on screen record" (Syracuse Herald-Journal)!"