Last year, it was announced that Brad Pitt would return to star in and produce a sequel to World War Z, the film adaptation of Max Brooks' 2006 novel. It was also revealed that Juan Antonio Bayona (The Orphanage, The Impossible) would direct the sequel, but a writer had yet to be named. Until now.
Variety reports that Steven Knight has been hired to write the script for the untitled World War Z sequel. Knight is known for writing Eastern Promises and Dirty Pretty Things, and recently directed and wrote the single-setting film Locke, which stars Tom Hardy.
No further crew signings, casting, or plot details are known at this time. Many fans of Max Brooks’ novel were not happy to see the first movie deviate so much from the original material, so we could potentially see a sequel incorporate more elements from the book this time around. We'll keep Daily Dead readers posted on further updates as they materialize.