Like tossing salt over your shoulder after spilling some on the table or looking warily at a black cat as it crosses your path, reading our horoscopes hearkens back to an ancient practice that still manages to permeate our modern-day, high-tech world. Whether or not you check your horoscope on a daily basis or believe in its fortune cookie-like predictions, new artwork depicting the Zodiac signs as creepy creatures might make you see your personal sign in a new light.
Illustrated by artist Damon Hellandbrand, the images below transform the 12 signs of the Zodiac into monsters that look like they'd be right at home in a Guillermo del Toro movie. Each image is available to purchase for $15 as an 8.5" x 11" print. To learn more about Hellandbrand and his work, visit:
The gallery below features the following Zodiac signs (in order, images courtesy of Damon Hellandbrand via BoredPanda):