'68 issue 4 has been released today and wraps up the first arc of the zombie comic book series that takes place during the Vietnam War. We have the cover art and a 5-page preview, so that you can see what this series is all about.
"story MARK KIDWELL art / covers NAT JONES & JAY FOTOS MINISERIES CONCLUSION! Captain Joe 'Dunk' Duncan, CIA agent Declan Rule, Doc Russo and a handful of hardened US troopers hold firebase Aries against hordes of Viet Cong, NVA regulars and the rotting risen dead. It's 'Custer's Last Stand' Vietnam-style in the action/horror filled conclusion to the series' initial story arc."
If you're a fan of '68 or just heard about it and want to learn more, stay tuned for our exclusive interview with the series creators later this month.