With a new Hellboy movie on the way, now is a great time to revisit Mike Mignola's comic book universe, which features entries from a wide range of immensely imaginative artists and authors, including this year's standalone graphic novel Into the Silent Sea, co-written by Gary Gianni. Gianni's own Monstermen and Other Scary Stories, which spun out of early Hellboy issues, returns to bookstores on August 22nd from Dark Horse, and to celebrate the collection's re-release, we've been provided with a set of preview pages to share with Daily Dead readers.
"Gary Gianni created one of the strangest occult detective teams in comics history: millionaire filmmaker Lawrence St. George and his associate, Benedict, of the venerable guild of Corpus Monstrum. They navigate a peculiar and deadly world plagued by squid pirates, zombie cowboys, abominable snowmen, mustachioed skulls, and fat, flying demons.
Gianni’s meticulous and evocative art combined with his haunting but often hilarious writing create a horror comic unlike anything else on the stands. This book also includes classic prose stories by Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, and more, illustrated by Gianni.
This collection, now back in print, collects stories from Hellboy: Wake the Devil, Hellboy Christmas Special, Hellboy: The Wild Hunt #5-#6, Hellboy: Almost Colossus, The Dark Horse Book of Monsters, The Dark Horse Book of the Dead, The Dark Horse Book of Hauntings, The Dark Horse Book of Witchcraft, and the one-shot The MonsterMen: The Skull and the Snowman."