Yesterday, we showed you updated versions of the Shane and the Well Zombie from The Walking Dead Series 2 action figures. Now we have an updated look at Rick and the RV Zombie. We've included images of the earlier prototypes and you can easily see that there have been some significant enhancements on both figures since we first saw them.
We will keep an eye out for a higher resolution version and will have the official packaging shots when they are released. Until then check out the figure descriptions and the photo below:
“Rick Grimes 2 – The small-town sheriff’s turned-hero and leader of the survivors during the zombie apocalypse, Rick continues to struggle with his moral convictions in season two. Rick will be featured as a brand-new sculpt in his civilian attire, prevalent in season two.
RV Zombie – During the opening scene of season two, one of the most intense scenes happens as a mob of flesh-eating zombies swarm the group. Unaware of the flesh-eating zombie onslaught, Andrea becomes trapped in the recreational vehicle when one climbs aboard. Under attack from this “RV” Zombie, Andrea fights back, stabbing the zombie in the eyeball with a screwdriver.”
All 5 series 2 figures will be available this October for $14.99 a piece. We've included the original photos below, so that you can see the difference. To check out the updated versions of Shane and the Well Walker, visit our recent article at: