Earlier this year, Dynamite Entertainment announced plans to relaunch their Army of Darkness comic book series. Now titled Ash and the Army of Darkness, the new series is written by Steve Niles and we have preview pages from the first issue:

"Dynamite is proud to announce that their flagship comic book title, Army of Darkness, will receive a complete overhaul and a new ongoing series as imagined by Steve Niles, acclaimed author of 30 Days of Night and Batman: Gotham County Line. A horror/action series with dark comedic overtones, the newly-titled Ash and the Army of Darkness continues the time-traveling, demon-fighting adventures of Ash Williams, the smart-mouthed hero of the 1992 cult-favorite film of the same name.

"What I'm doing with Ash and the Army of Darkness is a complete reboot," says Niles. "We start and the last frame of the film and then go right to the next. It's a wild ride and I think fans of the film will be very happy because I am bringing back a lot of what made the movie so fun. My run of Ash and the Army of Darkness takes place almost entirely in the 1300's setting. That was what made Army of Darkness stand apart. I'm hoping readers agree."

Comic book writer and novelist Steve Niles is credited as being an instrumental force in bringing horror comics back to prominence in recent years. Perhaps his best-known work is 30 Days of Night, a best-selling vampire series co-created with innovative illustrator Ben Templesmith and adapted into a feature film. His impressive list of credits include such licensed and creator-owned tales of terror as I Am Legend, Hellspawn, Chin Music, Simon Dark, The X-Files, Remains, Criminal Macabre, and 28 Days Later."


ASH AND THE ARMY OF DARKNESS #1: "The battle has been fought and won. Ash battled and defeated the Deadite image of himself and saved the world. Now all he wants to do is get home and have a normal life. Too bad he messed up the Book of the Dead incantation. New series. New start. Will Ash ever escape the land of the Deadites? Will he ever find his girl? Will he ever remember the last part of the incantation? Now an army of unbelievable horrors rules the land and only Ash can annoy them."
  • Steve Niles (w)
  • Dennis Calero (a)
  • Ben Templesmith (c)
  • FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+