Echo Bridge Entertainment will be releasing Blu-ray double features on top of the recently announced single films. Scheduled for May 15th, the double features include Children Of The Corn V: Fields Of Terror / Children Of The Corn 666: Isacc's Return, From Dusk Till Dawn / From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money, Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers / Halloween: H20, and Hellraiser IV: Bloodline / Hellraiser V: Inferno. is listing the double packs at $17.49, so that's not a bad deal if you like both of the films offered. Hopefully, they keep this pace up and most of the Dimension horror catalog is converted to Blu-ray over the course of the year. While these films will definitely see improvements in audio and video quality, there have been no disc details provided, so don't expect much if anything in the way of extra features at this time.