Even before Chronicle was released, director Josh Trank was rumored to in consideration for a number of projects, including a Fantastic Four reboot. While we've had no update on that particular film, a new report suggests that the director is close to taking on a Venom spin-off movie.

The LA Times reports that Josh Trank is currently in negotiations with Sony, who is looking to give the project a fresh start. Sony was interested in a Venom spin-off around the release of Spider-Man 3, but the project never got off the ground. According to the new report, this film would not involve the actors or story from Spider-Man 3 and a new writer will be hired.

With Sony's Spider-Man reboot coming out this summer, it's interesting that they are going with a spin-off versus including him in a sequel. We're curious as to how they plan to handle continuity and whether Venom will be more of a villain or hero in the film. We'll be sure to report back if this becomes official.

Source: The LA Times