Welcome to another edition of Comics Corner! This week's installment is going to be the start of something a little different. Always looking for lesser-known titles to spotlight, I asked the folks at Third Eye Comics to contribute their recommendations. We'll be combining their choices with our weekly picks to give you some options that are really cool and different. Curse of Brimstone #3 from DC Comics kicks things off today. Also: Spawn #286, The Walking Dead #180, Paper Girls #21, Dark Ark #7, Moonstruck #6, The Beauty Vol.4, and Gideon Falls #3.

Curse of Brimstone #3: "It’s tragic enough that Brimstone’s town was set on fire by his own hands, but now…his father?! Turning Joe into Brimstone was just for fun—the Salesman now holds Joe’s father hostage as well! Brimstone must fight the Salesman’s ice Creaturess, the Hound, to save his father from her clutches. But without knowing exactly what his fiery powers wield, how can Brimstone be sure he won’t accidentally destroy another town…or himself?

Art by: Philip Tan
Cover by: Philip Tan
Written by: Justin Jordan
U.S. Price: 2.99
On Sale Date: June 6, 2018
Volume/Issue #: 3
Color/B&W: Color
Trim Size: Comic
Page Count: 32."

For more details, visit DC Comics' website.


Spawn #286: "Writer: Todd McFarlane
Artist: Jason Shawn Alexander
Cover / Variant Cover: Todd McFarlane, John Giang
Published: June 6, 2018
Diamond ID: MAR180760
Age Rating: T

On the trail to find his wife’s killer, Spawn plants the seeds that will lead him to the mysterious murderer!

Digital: $2.99
Print: $2.99."

For more information and a look at the variant cover, head over to Image Comics.


The Walking Dead #180: "Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist: Charlie Adlard, Stefano Gaudiano, Cliff Rathburn
Cover: Charlie Adlard, Dave Stewart
Variant Cover: Bill Sienkiewicz
Published: June 6, 2018
Diamond ID: APR180639
Age Rating: M

“NEW WORLD ORDER,” Conclusion Rick Grimes comes face to face with the Governor of the Commonwealth.

Digital: $3.99
Print: $3.99."

To learn more, visit Image Comics' website.


Dark Ark #7: "W) Cullen Bunn (A/CA) Juan Doe

The monstrous creatures of Shrae's Ark have been tasked with protecting Noah and his flock. But the shocking nature of the creature that plague's Noah may set the monsters of the Dark Ark at each other's throats!

From writer Cullen Bunn (X-Men Blue, Deadpool, Venom) and artist Juan Doe (AMERICAN MONSTER, WORLD READER) comes a sinister tale of biblical proportions that HAD to be told at AfterShock Comics.

"Bunn, Doe, and Hill are a dream team, each contributing mightily to making this a fantastic book!" - Grant Stoye of CourtOfNerds
In Shops: Jun 06, 2018
SRP: $3.99."

To learn more, visit Previews World on behalf of AfterShock Comics.


Moonstruck #6: "Writer: Grace Ellis
Artist / Cover: Shae Beagle
Colors: Caitlin Quirk
Lettering: Clayton Cowles
Published: June 6, 2018
Diamond ID: FEB180658
Age Rating: E

Welcome to the beginning of the second arc of MOONSTRUCK, that popular middle-grade/all-ages lesbian-werewolf-barista romance adventure you've been hearing so much about! Fresh off their latest hijinks, Julie and the gang try to unwind at a fraternity party hosted by a group of fairy bros. But like everything else in Blitheton, things are not as they first appear, and before you can say, "hey, don't drink that or you'll be trapped in the fairy circle for all eternity," another round of magical hijinks has begun! This is a great place for new readers to jump into the story.

Digital: $3.99
Print: $3.99."

For more details on these young werewolves and their adventures, go to Image Comics' website.


Paper Girls #21: "Writer: Brian K. Vaughan
Artist: Cliff Chiang, Matt Wilson
Cover: Cliff Chiang
Published: June 6, 2018
Diamond ID: APR180507
Age Rating: T+

Can anyone escape fate? That’s what Mac and her fellow newspaper delivery girls must discover as they break free from the year 2000 and travel to our distant future!

Digital: $3.99
Print: $3.99."

To learn more about Paper Girls which is back and on a roll, go to Image Comics' website.



The Beauty Vol.4: "Writer / Cover: Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley
Artist: Matthew Dow Smith, Thomas Nachlik
Published: June 13, 2018
Diamond ID: MAR180636
Age Rating: M

Corporate espionage, government secrets, and private military contracts are uncovered as an investigative journalist look deep into Abericorp, the most powerful pharmaceutical company in the world. Collects THE BEAUTY #17-21.

Digital: $16.99
Print: $16.99."

To learn more, head on over Image Comics.


Gideon Falls #4: "Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artist / Cover: Andrea Sorrentino
Variant Cover: Dustin Nguyen
Published: June 20, 2018
Diamond ID: APR180588
Age Rating: M

The unlikely small-town detective duo of Father Fred and Sheriff Miller comes face to face with a terrifying killer deep in the back roads of Gideon Falls. Meanwhile, Xu hypnotizes Norton, and they begin to unlock the secrets of his childhood and his uncanny link to the horrifying Black Barn!

Digital: $3.99
Print: $3.99."

For more details, skip on over to Image Comics.

Cover A:

Cover B:


Terror #1: "In the inaugural issue, our host, Balthazar Remy introduces two bone-chilling tales. “Beyond the Cosmos” is a Lovecraftian, dimension-hopping tale of dark science and the quest for power. “On The Lam” is a crime-soaked yarn of deceit and intrigue. We also learn there may be more to Balthazar than initially meets the eye…

Alterna Comics
Written by: Josh Lobo, Nick Montalvo, Spence Nicholson
Art by: Anderson Cabral, Silvio dB, Ryan Ferrier, Sam Wohl
Pencils: Silvio dB, Sam Wohl
Inks: Silvio dB, Sam Wohl
Colored by: Anderson Cabral, Silvio dB
Lettered by: Weston Design Studio
Genres: Anthology, Horror
About Book:
Page Count: 34 Pages
Digital Release Date: October 31, 2016
Age Rating: 17+ Only
Sold by: comiXology."

To learn more about this small but powerful series, go to ComiXology's website.


Wytches Vol.1: "Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist / Cover: JOCK
Published: June 24, 2015
Diamond ID: MAR150524
Age Rating: M

SPECIAL LOW INTRODUCTORY PRICE OF $9.99! When the Rooks family moves to the remote town of Litchfield, NH to escape a haunting trauma, they’re hopeful about starting over. But something evil is waiting for them in the woods just beyond town. Watching from the trees. Ancient...and hungry. Collects WYTCHES #1-6.

Digital: $7.99
Print: $9.99."

To learn more, go to Image Comics' website, here.



American Vampire: Second Cycle #11: "From the depths of Area 51 to outer space, “Dark Moon” has pushed our cast to the limit. Be there for the jaw-dropping finale, as the forces of the Tongue make their final shocking play. The great weapon—Issaku—is revealed as the battle for the soul of a country and our characters reach its shocking climax. This extra-sized issue is the end of the Second Cycle of AMERICAN VAMPIRE, but look for the Third Cycle to begin in early 2016!


Art by: Rafael Albuquerque
Cover by: Rafael Albuquerque
Written by: Scott Snyder
U.S. Price: 4.99
On Sale Date: November 25, 2015
Volume/Issue #: 11
Color/B&W: Color
Trim Size: Comic
Page Count: 40."

For more information on this run or the other 10 cycles of American Vampire, go to Vertigo Comics' website.

  • Tamika Jones
    About the Author - Tamika Jones

    Tamika hails from North Beach, Maryland, a tiny town inches from the Chesapeake Bay.She knew she wanted to be an actor after reciting a soliloquy by Sojourner Truth in front of her entire fifth grade class. Since then, she's appeared in over 20 film and television projects. In addition to acting, Tamika is the Indie Spotlight manager for Daily Dead, where she brings readers news on independent horror projects every weekend.

    The first horror film Tamika watched was Child's Play. Being eight years old at the time, she remembers being so scared when Chucky came to life that she projectile vomited. It's tough for her to choose only one movie as her favorite horror film, so she picked two: Nosferatu and The Stepford Wives (1975).

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