In the new holiday horror movie Await Further Instructions, Christmas Day takes a deadly turn for one dysfunctional family when they find themselves trapped inside their home, with their only link to the outside world being the mysterious—potentially malevolent—messages on their TV screen. Following its time on the festival circuit, Await Further Instructions is coming to Blu-ray and DVD this December from Dark Sky Films, just in time to be added to stockings "hung by the chimney with care."
"It's Christmas Day and the Milgram family wake to find a mysterious black substance surrounding their house. Something monumental is clearly happening right outside their door, but what exactly - an industrial accident, a terrorist attack, nuclear war? Descending into terrified arguments, they turn on the television, desperate for any information. On screen a message glows ominously: 'Stay Indoors and Await Further Instructions'. As the television exerts an ever more sinister grip, their paranoia escalates into bloody carnage.
A powder keg of throat-grabbing intensity and mind-bending body horror, AWAIT FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS is an unmissable tour-de-force from rising star filmmaker Johnny Kevorkian and the BAFTA-nominated producer of God's Own Country.
Street date: December 11, 2018
SRP: $24.98 (DVD), $29.98 (Blu-ray)
Running Time: 91minutes
Rated: NR
Language: English"