Prom Night of the Living Dead: The international theatre company BITE (Brooklyn Innovative Theatre Experience) is presenting its first independent full-length production Prom Night of the Living Dead. They describe it as "an interactive horror play equal parts John Hughes and George Romero".
It opens Thursday, August 18 at 8pm and running three weeks, Thursday – Sunday, until Sunday, September 4 at 2pm at The Players Theatre (115 MacDougal St, NYC). Tickets are available at
Conspiracy Theories Released: Kevin Strasser has recently released Conspiracy Theories for the iPad: "The ultimate catalog of conspiracy theories created especially for the iPad. Via words, pictures, and full screen video — learn about the most compelling conspiracy theories in history." More information can be found at:
Ghost Trek Screens at Fright Night: The TV Pilot for Ghost Trek: The Kinsey Report was screening at this weekend's Fright Night Film Festival. "GHOST TREK follows the Paranormal Underworld Detective Society (PUDS) as they investigate the haunts across the U.S. and abroad between tanning beds, babes, body-building, and bong hits – all the while risking life and limb capturing the undead and unexplained on video. The pilot episode begins in the show’s second season and introduces the characters in a “teaser” fashion." You can find out more about this show at: