As director Patrick Lussier continues to promote Drive Angry 3D, he's been giving out more information on his upcoming reboot of Hellraiser. In an earlier post, we covered his interest in keeping the film R-rated as well as news that the movie would be more of a reboot than a remake that uses the original film's storyline. In a more recent interview, he talked about the scope of the film and how he wants to show us more of the box world:
"Yes, the world of the box, the world of what happens within the box and what the box does," said Lussier. "I think one of the main things we wanted to do was - Clive has created such know, he's a real world-builder in everything that he does...all his stories are magnificent...but the 'Hellraiser' story feels like you're only seeing a fragment of what that world is...."
He also goes on to talk about the plans to introduce new cenobites, a definite redesign of Pinhead, and he doesn't necessarily rule out the possibility of us seeing Doug Bradley return in some form or another. Overall, the full interview is a pretty interesting read, so check out the source link below to read it all.