Ahead of the first issue's release by Dark Horse Comics on April 10th, we have preview pages you can read right now from Monsters Are My Business, the four-part horrror comic book series from Cullen Bunn and Patrick Piazzalunga!

"Dark Horse, Patrick Piazzalunga (X-Factor, Happy Horror Days, Project Patron), and Cullen Bunn (Sixth Gun, The Midnight Show, Lucky Devil) invite fans of bloody horror-humor to plunge into Monsters Are My Business (And Business is Bloody), a four-part comic series fighting against the nightmares lurking in this wild world.

The series features art and covers by Piazzalunga, colors by Marco Brakko (Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly: Steampunk), and letters by Jim Campbell (If You Find This, I’m Already Dead, Midnite Show) to bring you an over the top, colorful, vibrant world of horrors.

Meet Tanner “Griz” Grisholm. Along with a shrewd necromancer who wants him dead and a chainsaw-wielding koala bear named Cuddles as he wages a bloody war against nightmares from beyond time and space. It’s thankless work, but someone has to do it. And when a group of government contractors goes missing in the nightmare landscape of the Flooded Zone, Griz stumbles into a mystery he may not be able to carve his way out of. His old biker pals, the Howling Gargoyles, are up to no good, and the memories might be too much for Griz to handle.

“Some time ago, Patrick and I were discussing working together on a new creator-owned title,” said Bunn. “He sent me some concept sketches of this big, burly biker type and a chainsaw-wielding, cigar-smoking koala bear. From there, we discussed building a story of elder gods, mutant cults, mercenary necromancers, and a lot of bloody good violence. Monsters Are My Business was born! I am just in awe of Patrick’s ability to fuse horror and action and comedy so seamlessly. Readers are going to dig this book!”

“I'm very excited about this comic,” adds Piazzalunga. “Cullen and I discussed creating a horror comedy with tentacled monsters. We are big fans of 80's horror films, Lovecraft, splatter and gore. Cullen did a fantastic job. When I read the scripts I was super excited and I enjoyed drawing, if you like all this, Griz and Cuddles are waiting for you with their chainsaws!"

Pick up Monsters are My Business (And Business is Bloody) #1 (of 4), which arrives in comic shops on April 10, 2024. Pre-order today for $3.99.

  • Jonathan James
    About the Author - Jonathan James

    After spending more than 10 years as a consultant in the tech and entertainment industry, Jonathan James launched Daily Dead in 2010 to share his interest in horror and sci-fi. Since then, it has grown into an online magazine with a staff of writers that provide daily news, reviews, interviews, and special features.

    As the Editor-in-Chief of Daily Dead, Jonathan is responsible for bringing the latest horror news to millions of readers from around the world. He is also consulted with as an expert on zombies in entertainment and pop culture, providing analyses of the zombie sub-genre to newspapers, radio stations, and convention attendees.

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