We're really surprised that Fox has held out on releasing Prometheus promotional materials for so long. The only release we've seen was one photo in July, and while Comic Con attendees saw a teaser trailer, nothing has officially made its way online. You're still going to have to wait to see the full trailer, but someone recently saw a test trailer and provided a decription, along with a footage clip.
Directed by Ridley Scott, Prometheus is scheduled for release on June 8th, 2012 and stars Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Idris Elba, Patrick Wilson, and Guy Pearce. Hopefully, the full trailer referred to below will be released before the end of the year.
**Spoiler Warning***
"FROM THE DIRECTOR OF ALIEN come up and more shots of the crew in the ship running from explosions and stuff. Theres a shot of a green laser scanner thing running through a woman’s belly some more stuff then theres a quick shot of something bursting out from the space jockey thing.
And the last shot of the trailer is a close up Michal Fassbender in his space suit looking down at a kid face to face and he holds up a finger and he says 'Big things have small beginnings' then the title comes up PROMETHEUS 6.8.12"
You can read the rest of the description and see the clip while it remains online at Prometheus Movie News.