In the 1980s, Clive Barker introduced horror fans to a world where pleasure and pain intertwined in Hellraiser (based on The Hellbound Heart), and in that same decade in Books of Blood Volume 3, he created a violent creature known as Rawhead Rex, who jumped to the screen to prey upon a rural town in George Pavlou's 1987 film of the same name. Now, 30 years later, Kino Lorber is bringing Rawhead Rex back to select theaters this summer with a new 4K restoration that will also be featured on a new home media release this fall.
The exact dates for the theatrical re-release and special edition Blu-ray / DVD of Rawhead Rex, as well as the home media release's special features, have yet to be announced, but we'll be sure to keep Daily Dead readers updated as more information is revealed.
In the meantime, we have the official announcement from Kino Lorber below, as well as the movie's trailer and poster.
From Kino Lorber: "Coming this Summer to theaters from Kino Lorber Repertory - Over 20 Markets!
And this Fall on "Special Edition" DVD and Blu-ray from KL Studio Classics - Just in time for Halloween!
A Brand New 4K Restoration!
Rawhead Rex (1986) Starring David Dukes, Kelly Piper, Hugh O'Conor, Cora Venus Lunny, Ronan Wilmot and Niall Toibin - Screenplay by Clive Barker - Directed by George Pavlou"
Poster via Kino Lorber: