Last week Rob Zombie revealed that his next film, titled 31, will be a crowd-funded project. The film's official FanBacked page was unveiled, along with a plot synopsis from Zombie and several videos. Now a new piece of concept art from the film has been revealed, and it comes with a brief bio of someone we could see in the movie.
This new production sketch was revealed on 31's website and was drawn by artist Alex Horley. The sketch depicts a man named Cletus who looks to have seen better days. Wearing floppy bunny ears, looking through dazed eyes, and standing on wobbly legs, Cletus has "Lover Boy" tattooed on the visible ribcage of his lean frame. Here's the official description of this lifer of Murder World:
"Meet CLETUS, a lifer at our Hell on earth called Murder World. Too old to participate in the killings these days. Cletus is always more than willing to watch the horror unfold in person."
We'll keep Daily Dead readers posted on further updates with 31 as it moves further into production. In the meantime, if you missed it, we have the film's synopsis and previously released concept art and videos:
“Welcome to my next film. It is called 31. It is the story of five random people kidnapped on the five days leading up to Halloween and held hostage in a place called Murder World. While trapped inside this man-made Hell they must fight to survive playing the most violent game known to man… a game called 31.
31 has no rules. 31 has no boundaries. It is ever so simple. Do whatever you can do to kill your opponent before they kill you. Keep this up for 12 hours and freedom is yours.
Who are the opponents? Well… a group of vile, filthy, blood-thirsty clowns known as THE HEADS. They come in all shapes and sizes and each grows nastier than the last.
What kind of film is this you ask? It is a fast paced, mean dirty film for those who like it rough. Get ready for a sick piece of celluloid! This is some hardcore business for the blood-thirsty gore hounds.
Get on board! Get involved! Be part of this horrifying business! The world of horror needs you!
- RZ”
To learn more about 31, visit: