Over the years, Robert Kirkman has referred to The Walking Dead comic book series as a "zombie movie that never ends," but in a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Kirkman discussed the inevitable endgame of his beloved series.
Speaking with Rolling Stone's David Fear, Kirkman had the following to say when asked if he has a conclusion planned for The Walking Dead:
"For the books? I do. I know how the story wraps up. The big question is when and how far in the distance that is. But I think that most people think, oh, why would he end it? It's so successful, he's going to keep throwing shit at the wall to keep it going. And that's not going to happen. You'll eventually be able to see that it all kind of comes together."
When Daily Dead Editor-in-Chief Jonathan James spoke with Kirkman at San Diego Comic-Con back in 2012, The Walking Dead creator estimated that the series will likely go past 300 issues and that no character is safe from dying, no matter how crucial they may seem to the series.
What are your thoughts on the future of The Walking Dead comic book series? Do you want it to eventually end? Who do you think will still be standing when the dust settles and the final page is turned? Let us know in the comments section below.
To read Rolling Stone's full interview with Kirkman, in which he talks about his first experience watching Night of the Living Dead, seeing George A. Romero at Comic-Con, and how a real-life exorcism influenced his new series Outcast, visit: