Following its international premiere at Sundance, Damien Power's Australian horror film Killing Ground is being picked up for North American distribution by IFC Midnight.
The news of the acquisition comes from TheWrap. It's not yet known when IFC Midnight will release Killing Ground in North America, but we'll be sure to keep Daily Dead readers posted on further updates.
As part of our live coverage of the Sundance Film Festival, Daily Dead's Heather Wixson reviewed Killing Ground, calling it "a brutal game of survival."
Written and directed by Damien Power, Killing Ground stars Aaron Pedersen, Ian Meadows, Harriet Dyer, Maya Stange, and Aaron Glenane. Check out the official synopsis and trailer below, and in case you missed it, read Heather's interview with Power, Stange, and Glenane.
Killing Ground synopsis: "Ian and Samantha head to a national park, hoping that nature will give them space for some quiet time together. They arrive at an isolated campsite to find an SUV and a tent – no sign of the occupants. As night falls and the campers fail to return, Ian and Sam grow increasingly uneasy. The discovery of a distressed child wandering in the woods unleashes a terrifying chain of events that test the young couple to breaking point."