Last night's episode of The Walking Dead saw Glenn and Maggie's introduction to the Town of Woodbury was intense, to say the least, and Steven Yeun talks about shooting those scenes in the latest Q&A feature from AMC.

Via AMC: Q: Do you feel like you're now trained to be able to escape from a similar strapped to a chair situation, if one ever arose?

A: It wasn't as difficult as it seemed, luckily. Turning over the chair on your back isn't easy, but standing up on it while being strapped to it wasn't as hard as a thought it would be. It was a blast. I hope I'd be as good. But if anyone is smart, they'd strap my legs to the chair as well.

Q: The group gets to kill lots of walkers this season. Was it an actor's dream come true?

A: It was awesome. Trying to figure out new ways to kill these things is fun, as well as choreographing all that stuff. It's satisfying to kill one. People get into it. When we're filming and the responsibility comes to you to kill a walker and you're like, "Everybody trusts me to do this," it's a feeling that permeates from the character to the actor.

Q: In the moment when Glenn and Maggie get taken prisoner by Merle in Season 3 Episode 6, "Hounded," were you hoping they'd be able to get away?

A: I think they made a mistake in that moment and let their guard down. That's what happens when you have love in the apocalypse! The stakes aren't as high in the real world -- if you were to go shopping for baby formula, I don't think someone would come up to you and steal your girlfriend. But in that situation, it's almost terrible to have that attachment.

Q: Is Michael Rooker as frightening as he seems?

A: Michael Rooker is quite the character, he's in it. He's Merle. We just played it real. There's a lot of trust with us that's awesome. You just kind of have us play out something, and just film it. It's not such a grand process; it's just everyone's game and everyone's down to try something new and make it look good. It's a collaborative effort that goes surprisingly fast.

Q: Were there any sort of personal adjustments that you added to that scene?

A: Just kind of the whole feeling of what happens when you're pummeled. I tried to play up how painful it would be to get around when your ribs are almost broken, your face almost broken, and all. Also, I tried to incorporate what you do when you're in that much rage -- it was a whole process.

Q: Glenn has emerged as one of the leaders of the group. Is this a situation you've ever been in yourself?

A: For me personally, the challenges of this season were about filling the holes left by the people that we lost. There are a lot of amazing actors that aren't there any more. As that happens, a little bit more responsibility is put on you in the weight you carry. So I feel like I've been dealt the same amount of responsibility on the show that Glenn has been dealt, and that growth has been almost one to one as each season has gone.


To read the rest of the Q&A and more features with the cast, visit the official website for The Walking Dead

Source: AMC