The True Blood Comic-Con panel recently wrapped up and HBO released a new "sneak peek" trailer that gives a spoiler-filled overview of the rest of season 4.

We also have an update from reader Brian Povio who attended the panel and shares new season 5 info:

-Alan Ball said that they have already started the writing process for season 5 and that it it will include "spirits without bodies, freakish demons, and supernatural creatures never seen before".

-Season 5 will reveal how/when Eric made Pam.

-The TV show's stories and plots may differ or change completely at times, but they are trying to stay true to the spirit of the books, and will continue to follow the books' basic storylines.

-A Hooligans-type establishment with male and female strippers will appear in season 5.

You can read the plot descriptions for the next 6 episodes at: