The Walking Dead returns this Sunday, but you don't have until then to get a look at the new episode. AMC has released the opening scene and you can watch it right now.

“After the tragic events of the mid-season finale – as well as losing the possibility of a cure in Washington, DC – Rick Grimes’ band of survivors find themselves on the road, surviving day-to-day and trying to hold on to their shredded humanity and dwindling hope. Stripped of security and without a direction for the future, some of the group near their breaking point, some find themselves hardened and cold and some just try to grasp onto what little they have left.

Though they are still breathing, the line between Rick’s group and the dead is starting to blur. Could there be anything at this point that brings them back to life?”

*Note: AMC usually geo-targets their videos and this may not play outside of North America. We'll include an international embed as soon as it's available.

Source: AMC