With no major openings this week, ticket sales were low across the board and resulted in the worst box office weekend of the year. However, The Possession benefited from this and claimed the top spot for a second weekend in a row.
None of the top ten managed to reach even the $10 million mark, but The Possession got close with $9.5 million, bringing it's domestic total to $33.3 million. The Expendables 2 crossed the $75 million mark, while The Bourne Legacy crossed the $100 million mark. Both studios should be happy with their performances, especially when international ticket sales are factored.
The box office will see a nice surge next weekend, when Finding Nemo 3D and Resident Evil: Retribution are released. Here are the top ten results for this weekend:
1. The Possession - $9,500,000
2. Lawless - $6,002,000
3. The Words - $5,000,000
4. The Expendables 2 - $4,750,000
5. The Bourne Legacy - $4,000,000
6. ParaNorman - $3,830,000
7. The Odd Life of Timothy Green - $3,650,000
8. The Campaign - $3,530,000
9. The Dark Knight Rises - $3,285,000
10. 2016 Obama’s America - $3,281,200