NBC continues its push to develop new genre projects and it has been revealed that they're going to bring The Wolfman to the small screen. According to Deadline, NBC is working with Daniel Knauf, who is the executive producer and head writer of their new Dracula TV series. As opposed to the 1941 horror classic, this adaptation is said to be based on the more recent 2010 version:
"The WolfMan, produced by Universal Pictures sibling Universal TV and Stuber’s studio-based Bluegrass Films & TV, is described as a supernatural thriller that explores what it means to be a man and to be human. It centers on Lawrence Talbot, who is afflicted by an ancient curse and jacks into the powerful, primordial soul of the alpha-predator..."
Daniel Knauf will once again be taking on writing duties for this project and The Wolfman is expected to get a 13-episode order. This project is very early in the development stages, but we'll let readers know as soon as we anything else related to casting or TV series getting an official order.